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Yann Negroni

Yann Negroni

Head of IT Architecture / IT Solutions architect

52 years old
Driving License
Levallois-Perret (92300) France
Employed Open to opportunities
Self educated in computer and information technology, I have an over 20 year unique experience in the design and development of applications, as well as project management.
Throughout my work experience, I've successfully achieved different types of missions, for multinational companies (Bouygues Telecom, Orange, Total, AXA, Samsung, Francaise des Jeux...), and for smaller entities (Kompass, Darniche interactive, Teo communication, Altedia multicom...).
My multidisciplinary profile allows me to have a quick and synthetic overview of projects and their stakes.
Independent, organized, creative, inquisitive, hard-working, pragmatic and compliant, I respond to expressed needs taking into account all the human and technical constraints.
  • Supervision, support and training of the IT architecture team (more than 10 people)
  • Information system design & modeling
  • Software design & modeling
  • Information system audit, refactoring & migration
  • Design workshop planning & facilitation
  • IT committees stakeholder
  • Activities and careers management
  • Tasks & production planning, monitoring & reporting
  • Third-party solution suppliers management
Company Description
Europcar Mobility Group opère à travers différentes marques pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de chaque client ; ses 4 marques majeures étant : Europcar® – le leader Européen de la location de véhicules, Goldcar® – la plus importante société de location de véhicules low-cost en Europe, InterRent® – marque « mid tier » à destination des clients loisirs et Ubeeqo® – une société Européenne spécialisée dans la gestion de flotte et des solutions de mobilités à destination des entreprises et du grand public.